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7 things that happen at Bengali wedding

By Admin
2020-09-12 19:00:01
Min Read

Bengali are dramatic people, and when it's a wedding, how can you even expect that it will be
just a simple ceremony? These weddings are no less than a mirch-masala Bollywood movie! It
has got cheesy romance(everywhere!) to heart-melting affection from parents to mischiefs to
music and dance to family rivalries (funny flights) to an emotional ending that will make you cry
and finally a happily ever after party- the boubhat! But in simple words, Bengali wedding can be
described as Mach mishti and much more. With innumerable Mashi pishis and relatives, this is a
big thing! And here are a few things that you'll find in every wedding!

1. Amazing food

Bengalis love to eat! You really won't find a bigger foodie than them, and you can tell it
from the mandatory cute "bhuri" they have! It all starts from aiburobhat and every time it
has a lavish feast. They love to eat and also love to treat! So the first thing that gets
decided is the menu! With all gastronomical extravaganza they put in bhaat, dal, shukto,
mach( of many varieties, like pabda macher paturi, chingri macher malaikari, Katla
macher Kalia, muri ghonto, doi Katla etc), mutton, chicken, alubhaja, beguni, papad,
chatni, mishti (a lot of it!), Icecream, and mishti paan. Not only that, before the main
course there are often coffee, chicken pakora, phuchka and other snacks.

2. The Bride (and her skin and look)-

Bengalis are blessed with beauty as well, and so the main topic for gossip among
Mashi-pishis is the skin and beauty. You will hear the relatives talking about jewellery
and how pretty the bride looks, and whatnot!
One of the stereotypical things about the Bengali bride is, alata-chondon sojja with gold
jewellery and a bright red Banarasi saree! And trust me, in this attire any girl looks just

3. Tattwa

The Groom sends tattwa to the bride's house on the day of marriage and it gets its own
corner where it is shown off! The fish made out of sondes and gifts for all relatives and
the bride's jewellery appear stunning there. And similarly, on the Boubhat the bride's side
brings their token of love for the groom and his family. This is really a beautiful tradition!
Isn't it!

4. Shanaai by Ustad Bismillah Khan And ulluation

No Bengali wedding can be completed without the sound of shanaai playing on
loudspeaker! That's an essential part, which gives the Biyebari-vibe to everyone!
Previously in well-known families there used to be live Shanaai players, but now records
do that work.
Yet another sound that makes the wedding complete is ullu and shankha- dhoni…
mother, aunts and all other women start making the ulluation from the beginning till the
end of the ceremony! Ullu and sankha dhonni are really holy.

5. Little Rivalries

A lot of rituals take place, Aiburobhat, dodhi mongal, gaye holud, biye, basor, basi biye,
Boubhat, and amidst all these a constant sweet-o-sour rivalry between mashi and pishi
continues. Both of them claims they love the would-be groom/bride more and the fights
Alongside this, another rivalry goes on between the Bride's side and the groom's side
about who are the better ones! These cold and funny wars keep the entertainment on!

6. Chaa adda torko

Whenever the family members find a little leisure they sit together and start adda, and
obviously, adda is never complete without cha and torko! Bengali has a culture of this
adda everywhere and the number of cups of chai that they consume during this is
uncountable! Their topic may travel to any dimensions, from party, politics, philosophy,
movie stars, to anything one can name of! Basically, they've knowledge about everything
on and out of this universe!!

7. Background romance and funny ritualistic games

There is always a background romance going on at a biye bari between someone from
Bride's side and groom's side! That may be a sali-dewar, or friends of the bride and the
groom.. but definitely there is a lot of flirting! To fuel this fire, there are ritualistic games
between the bride and the groom that makes the bonding even stronger.
With all these going on, every wedding becomes a memorable one! All the relatives love to
narrate the stories of what happened whenever they gather! And thus it becomes an ultimate
happy place for everyone!

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